Sunday, July 5, 2009

Long time

Long time no posts...nothing exciting has really been happening until recently.

We found out in early June that Green Bean is a boy. He wasn't very cooperative for the full ultrasound, but we were at least able to get a good picture to confirm boy/girl. We weren't hoping for either in particular, but were very interested in finding out. We also went to a family reunion for my Grandpa's 90th birthday, so got to share pictures with my family. I also got to find out that heat, pregnancy and me do not mix well at all :).

Since then Green Bean has become increasingly active and kicks me regularly. Since I have had very few symptoms, this has been a welcome change. I'm sure it will be less welcome when Green Bean weighs 7 to 8 pounds instead of around 1, but for now, it's nice having confirmation a few times a day that everything seems to be going well.